• Cibeles Jolivette Gonzalez
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  • Added 23 Feb 2009
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The Invisible Curse On The Modern Woman

"Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that fears the LORD, she shall be praised." Proverbs 31:30. This art piece shows what I think about the modern lifestyle and the modern role of women that has been shaped by feminism ever since the Sexual Revolution of the 1960's. Ever since ancient times up until the 1960's women who had large families were held in high esteem and seen to be blessed by G-D. Even in pagan societies a fertile woman was held in high regard. Women were always admired for being the caretakers of their families while the men prided themselves in being the protectors and providers of their families. Unfortunately with the wretched Sexual Revolution of the 1960's the normal world was turned upside down with women asserting men's roles and men women's roles. Now women who have "too many" kids are criticized. Children are seen as a burden, the less you have the better (this mentality fuels the abortion industry). Hardworking housewives and devoted mothers are seen as lazy just because they don't work outside the home! When you come to think of it , it is so ridiculous. Who works more? A woman who works a couple of hours outside the home and has other people to take care of her children, or a woman who by herself takes care of several kids,cleans the house,cooks, and in many cases works a business from home. A traditional 24 hour a day job versus a modern 8 or 9 hour a day job. Surely the housewife works more. Modern men have become for the most part wimps, they think that the woman should take care of herself and that they have no obligation to support and take care of her, or in many cases their own kids. Men for the most part have ceased to be leaders and women have ceased to be nurturers. No wonder that society is falling apart! The modern woman has an invisible curse on her which she does not see and which only leads to unfulfillment. Bad food, elusive love devoid of commitment, materialism, and excessive love of the wrong kinds of pleasure are the key characteristics of a modern lifestyle. This art piece is meant to be as a wakeup call for many modern women who are feeling unfulfilled out there to change their lives for the better.

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Sharon Gonzalez 23 Feb 2009